The DarkSide BBS

System Info.

The DarkSide is run on a Packard Bell 486sx25 with two megs of memory and a 120meg hard drive. The board is run twenty four hours a day seven days a week. It is located in Santa Rosa, California. It runs on software called WWIV ver 4.24 written by Wayne Bell. The 28.8 V.Fast Zoom modem is hooked up at (707)544-8830 and works with settings of 8N1 and ANSI.

The main point of the system is user interaction. It is connected to SCAnet, MicroNet, WWIVnet, PIN (Pagan Information Network) and indirectly to the internet. These networks provide communication with people all over the United States and beyond. E-mail services are also available over all networks. Users may even choose there own ip name for their internet mail.

The DarkSide has a few interactive games as well as Call Back Verification Program that can give you full access.

History Internet Sub-Boards Games Rules Welcome Screens

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copyright 1995 Walter Hansen.