Downloading Files Online Help To download a file, you must enter either the full or partial name of the file you want to download. The text you enter must exactly match either all or part a file on-line or the BBS will not be able to find it. For this reason it may be best to either copy a filename if you have just searched and found the file, or to enter just a part of the filename (to help insure a match). The BBS will individually show all filenames that do match if you just enter a partial name. After the BBS finds the first matching file, you will be given information about the file including size and estimated time required to download. You will then be asked what transfer protocol to use. Enter "?" for a list of protocols. If you do not wish to download this file, hit "0", and the BBS will continue to show the next matching file until there are no more matches. Type Q to Quit to the Transfer Menu. If you decide to download the file with ZMODEM Batch protocol, it will be added to a "queue." When you wish to download the files marked for Batch protocol, from the download main menu hit "B" for the Batch Download commands.