Contribution reports and checks may be submitted in the same shipping package as the reporting media. If the tape, cartridge or diskette is shipped separately from the Contribution report or the wage information is electronically transmitted to the Department, please put a "T" for tape or cartridge, "D" for Diskette, or "E" for electronic filing on the Employer's Contribution Report, Form 3, in the upper right corner of the form. (See sample below). If the appropriate letter has previously been printed by the Department's computer, you will not need to do so. This indicator is important because it alerts the Department personnel that the missing wage list is on a diskette or tape or will be electronically submitted. With proper handling this will eliminate a "missing wage list" letter being generated to you.
THIS REPORT MUST BE FILED IN ADDITION TO THE WAGE INFORMATION. IT IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE WAGE INFORMATION TRANSMISSION FORMATS AT THIS TIME. If you file a portion of the wage information on diskette, tape or cartridge, and a portion on hard copy, the hard copy should be submitted with the magnetic media. If you file a portion of the wage information electronically and a portion on hard copy, the hard copy should be submitted with the quarterly. Any hard copy should be machine printed on the Department's Employer's Quarterly Wage List, Form 3H or 3C, or on plain white bond paper in the exact same placement and format as the Form 3H. The hard copy should be noted "In Addition to (media used)" at the top of the form. DO NOT duplicate on hard copy information submitted on magnetic media or electronic filing. It is suggested that the outside of the shipping package be marked: Fragile Keep Away from Magnets Do Not X-Ray Contents: Magnetic [Tape][Cartridge][Diskette] May Be Opened for Inspection
Please use diskette mailers for diskettes to reduce damage in shipping. CHECK LIST FOR MAILING
If using the JSWAGE program:
TO All corrections should be made to the quarter in which the discrepancy occurred. DO NOT offset the correction in another quarter. All corrections to wage information previously reported should be submitted in paper form unless approved by the Media Coordinator. Corrections for magnetic or electronically filed wage information must include the UDWS Employer Registration Number, company name, reporting period, social security number, employee name, wages previously reported, and total wages that should have been reported. A letter of explanation for the change must be included with the wage list. If a correction should also be made to the Employer's Contribution Report, (Form 3), or exclusively to the Contribution report, the total, excess and subject wages previously reported and the corrections to each should be submitted with a cover letter of explanation. Include any payment due of contribution and interest or request a refund. Send the correction documents and explanation letter to: Utah Department of Workforce Services
Department Toll free (in-state) number ask for any of the extensions listed below (last 4 numbers) |
1-800-222-2857 |
General reporting question | 801-526-9400 |
Status (Employer account information, registration, change of ownerships) |
801-526-9400 |
Trust Fund Management (reporting corrections, refunds) |
801-526-9605 |
Collections | 801-526-9370 |
Field Audit | 801-526-9572 |
Technical Services (report processing, magnetic media reporting) |
801-526-9599 |
Magnetic Media Coordinator | 801-526-9494 |
UDWS BBS | 800-821-5912 |
Salt Lake Area | 801-526-9381 |
BBS Sysop | 801- 526-9455 |
Utah Department of Workforce Services
Technical Services
140 East 300 South, 3rd Floor
PO Box 45233
Salt Lake City, Utah 84145-0233
3480/3490 CARTRIDGES
This section contains the specifications and instructions for reporting wage information on magnetic tape or 3480/3490 cartridges. For purposes of this section, the term tape and 3480/3490 cartridge are used interchangeably, unless otherwise indicated.
All employers with 100 employees or more are encouraged to submit wage information on diskette, magnetic tape or cartridge. The Utah Department of Workforce Services has two formats for reporting wage information on magnetic tape or 3480/3490 Cartridges. One format is the standardized IRS-Social Security format modified for Utah's requirements, and the other is a special Utah Short Format developed specifically for our needs and ease of use by employers.
Tapes and cartridges that are not in an acceptable format will be returned with an explanation for correction and resubmission by the employer or transmitter.
You may change formats and/or media as your needs change.
It is recommended that transmitters retain a backup copy of your magnetic media files.
NOTE: Both tape formats are also acceptable for submitting on diskette or through electronic filing, IF the information is submitted in ASCII. The Department encourages all current and future tape and cartridge users to consider diskette or electronic filing. The internal processing time for diskette and electronically filed wage information is significantly less than with tape or cartridge processing.
Please note the density, blocking and labeling differences of the two formats.
DENSITY | 1600 BPI or 6250 BPI 9 track tape |
MODE | Unpacked mode |
LOGICAL RECORD LENGTH | IRS format - 275 for a block size of 6875 (275 x 25) If your machine is
unable to handle odd length block sizes, use a record length of 276 for a block size of
6900. UTAH Short format - 80 bytes |
BLOCKING FACTOR | IRS format - 25 UTAH Short format - unblocked |
SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS | A Transmittal Form should be included with each tape or cartridge.
(sample in guide). DO NOT submit paper copies of wages written on tape. |
Note: Tapes will be returned after three quarters.
Please note the density, blocking and labeling differences of the two formats.
DENSITY | 38,000 BPI |
MODE | Unpacked and non-compressed mode |
LOGICAL RECORD LENGTH | IRS format - 275 for a block size of 6875 (275 x 25) If your machine is unable to handle odd length block sizes, use a record length of 276 for a block size of 6900. UTAH Short format 80 bytes |
BLOCKING FACTOR | IRS format - 25 Utah Short format - unblocked |
SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS | A Tape/Cartridge Transmittal should be included with each cartridge.
(sample in guide). DO NOT submit paper copies of wages written on cartridge. |
NOTE: Cartridges will be returned after three quarters.
FORM TF WAGE DATA TAPE/CARTRIDGE TRANSMITTAL Utah Department of Workforce Services |
QTR___YEAR___ | ||
List below the UDWS Employer Registration Number, total number of employees and total amount of Utah wages being reported on this media. If more room is needed, please attach a list of all employers. | |||
MAIL TO: Utah Department of Workforce Services
The Utah Short Format contains the UDWS Employer Registration Number and employee wage record information and quarter designation in one self contained record per employee. The record is 80 bytes long and should be unblocked with no labels.
WAGE REPORTING Utah Short Format |
001 | Record Identifier | 1 | Enter a constant "A" |
002-010 | Social Security Number | 9 | If not available, fill with blanks |
011-018 | Utah I.D. Number | 8 | Enter your Utah Employer's Registration Number (not State Tax or Federal ID #) |
019-021 | Zero Fill | 3 | Zero fill unless otherwise instructed by Job Service |
022-024 | Reporting Period | 3 | Enter quarter and year to which this report applies (e.g., 499 for the fourth quarter of 1999) |
025 | First Initial | 1 | Enter first initial of employee |
026 | Second Initial | 1 | Enter second initial of employee. If none, fill with a blank |
027-046 | Last Name | 20 | Left justify and fill with blanks - Upper case only. |
047-053 | Total Wages | 7 | Total wages for this quarter. Enter dollars only, no cents are to be included. Right justify and zero fill |
054-059 | Hire Date | 6 | Enter the last date hired or rehired (YYMMDD) |
060-079 | Blank | 20 | Blanks |
080 | Source Code | 1 | Enter a constant "T" |
This alternative may also be submitted on diskette or electronic transmission in ASCII format. (see Instructions for specifics on either media). |
We have modified the W-2 tape format required by the Social Security Administration (SSA) specifying record type "S" for the Utah Quarterly Wage Information Report. The following pages describe the record types required to process your tape or cartridge properly. Utah Employment Security requires record types E, S, T and F for magnetic tape reporting. Our program will ignore all other record types during processing. Due to the blocking factor needed to process the tapes and cartridges, we encourage you to use the Utah Short Format when reporting less than 22 employees.
This format may also be submitted on diskette or electronic transmission in ASCII format.
Use a separate code E record for each UDWS Employer Registration Number recorded on the tape or cartridge. Group all employee records (Code S) following the code E record for the UDWS Employer Registration Number reporting group. At least one Code S record must be present for each code E record reported on the file.
001 | Record Identifier | 1 | Constant "E". Each UDWS Employer Registration Number must begin with a Code E record. |
002-005 | Payment Year | 4 | Enter the year to which this report applies, e.g., "1999". Remember to update each year. |
006-014 | Federal EIN | 9 | Enter only numerical characters |
015-023 | Blank | 9 | Blank |
024-073 | Employer Name | 50 | Left justify and fill with blanks |
074-113 | Street Address | 40 | Left justify and fill with blanks |
114-138 | City | 25 | Left justify and fill with blanks |
139-148 | State | 10 | If the Employer's address is in a foreign county, include the name of the foreign country in this field. Truncate or abbreviate as necessary. Left justify and fill with blanks. |
149-153 | Blank | 5 | Blanks |
154-158 | Zip Code | 5 | Zip code |
159 | Name Code | 1 | Enter "S" if the surname appears first in the employee's name
field of the following Code S records. Enter "F" if the first name appears first in the employee's name field on the following Code S records. The code may vary with each Code E record. |
160 | Type of Employment | 1 | Enter the appropriate code: "M" Military "H" Household "A" Agricultural "X" Railroad "F" Federal "R" Regular - All Others |
161-162 | Blocking Factor | 2 | Blocking Factor - 25
163-167 | Blanks | 5 | Blanks |
168 | Tax Type | 1 | Enter "B" if wages are reportable for state unemployment insurance |
169-170 | State Code | 2 | Enter "49" if wages are reportable to Utah |
171-175 | Blanks | 5 | Blanks |
176-183 | Utah I.D. Number | 8 | Enter your Utah Employer's Registration Number (not state tax or federal ID #) |
184-186 | Zero Fill | 3 | Zero fill unless otherwise instructed by Job Service |
187 | Blank | 1 | Blank |
188 | Tax Type | 1 | Enter "B" if wages are reportable for Employment Security (Job Service) |
189-190 | State Code | 2 | Enter "49" if wages are reportable to Utah |
191-195 | Blanks | 5 | Blanks |
196-203 | Utah I.D. Number | 8 | Enter your Utah Employer's Registration Number (not state tax or federal ID #) |
204-206 | Zero Fill | 3 | Zero fill unless otherwise instructed by Job Service |
207 | Blank | 1 | Blank |
208 | Tax Type | 1 | Enter "B" if wages are reportable for unemployment insurance |
209-210 | State Code | 2 | Enter "49" if wages are reportable to Utah |
211-215 | Blanks | 5 | Blanks |
216-223 | Utah I.D. Number | 8 | Enter your Utah Employer's Registration Number (not state tax or federal ID #) |
224-226 | Zero Fill | 3 | Zero fill unless otherwise instructed by Job Service |
227 | Blank | 1 | Blank |
228 | Tax Type | 1 | Enter "B" if wages are reportable for state unemployment insurance |
229-230 | State Code | 2 | Enter "49" if wages are reportable to Utah |
231-235 | Blanks | 5 | Blanks |
236-243 | Utah I.D. Number | 8 | Enter your Utah Employer's Registration Number (not state tax or federal ID #) |
244-246 | Zero Fill | 3 | Zero fill unless otherwise instructed by Job Service |
247-275 | Blanks | 29 | Blanks |
![]() |
NOTE The record layout shown in locations 168-187 is repeated in locations 188-207, 208-227 and 228-246. These fields are repeated for the convenience of multi-state employers. If you are reporting only Utah wage information, please use locations 168-187 and fill the balance of the records with blanks. |
The format of the employee name on the Code S records must correspond to the name code in position 159 of the preceding Code E record. All segments of the name, including initials, must be separated (preferably by blanks). Punctuation may be used when appropriate. Leading titles, e.g., Mr., Mrs., should be omitted from the name field. It is preferred that the full first name be given. All names must be upper case only. The names may be reported in the following ways:
*Note: Leading letters must not be separated from the rest of the surname by a blank but may be separated with an apostrophe.
001 | Record Identifier | 1 | Constant "S". This record must be used if an employer uses this format to report state quarterly Employment Security information to any state. The Code S record may be used if an employer needs to report state or local income tax information for one employee to more than one state or locality. |
002-010 | Social Security No. | 9 | If not available, enter the letter "I" in position 2 and fill with blanks |
011-037 | Employee Name | 27 | Left justify and fill with blanks |
038-123 | Blanks | 86 | Blanks |
124-125 | State Code | 2 | Constant "49" for Utah |
126-127 | Blanks | 2 | Blanks |
128-131 | Reporting Period | 4 | Enter the last month and two-digit year of the calendar quarter, e.g., "0999" for third quarter of 1999. Remember to update each quarter |
132-140 | Total Wages | 9 | Total wages for this quarter. Right justify, zero fill. Include dollars and cents. |
141-149 | Taxable Wages | 9 | Taxable wages for this quarter. Right justify, zero fill. Include dollars and cents |
150-202 | Blanks | 53 | Blanks |
203-208 | Hire Date | 6 | Enter the last date hired or rehired (MMDDYY) |
209-275 | Blanks | 67 | Blanks |
001 | Record Identifier | 1 | Constant "T". The Code T record must be generated at the end of every Employer Registration Number. |
002-008 | Number of Employees | 7 | Enter the total number of Code S records for the preceding Employer Registration Number. (Code E record) |
009-034 | Blanks | 26 | Blanks |
035-047 | Quarterly Wages, Tips, and other compensation | 13 | Enter the total for all Code S records within the preceding Employer Registration Number. (Code E record). Right justify, zero fill, include dollars and cents. |
048-275 | Blanks | 228 | Blanks |
001 | Record Identifier | 1 | Constant "F". The Code F record must be the last data record of the entire tape file |
002-008 | Number of Employees | 7 | Enter the total number of Code S records reported on the entire tape file |
009-275 | Blanks | 267 | Blanks |
This section contains the specifications and instructions for reporting wage information on diskette. All employers, accountants, bookkeepers and payroll reporting services with PC capabilities are encouraged to submit wage information on diskette or to transmit the files electronically, regardless of the number of employees reported. The Utah Department of Workforce Services will accept any of the formats listed below.
1. Any of the tape formats indicated in the previous section.**
A. IRS/SSA (state modified) Tape Format
B. Utah Short Format
2. Utah Short Format.
3. IRS/SSA (state modified) Diskette Reporting Format.
4. Comma-delimited Format.
5. JSWAGE - a Department developed data entry system for employers who prepare wage lists manually.
These formats are also used for electronic filing.
Data should be recorded in upper case letters only.
You will be notified of diskettes that are not in an acceptable format with an explanation.
You may change formats and/or media as your needs change.
It is recommended that you retain a backup copy of your magnetic media files.
Diskettes should not contain any files other than the reporting data file(s). The diskettes will NOT be returned to the employer.
Each employee record within the employer file must be delimited by (end with) a CR/LF (HEX - 0D0A) when submitted on diskette.
NOTE **The data must be written in ASCII to a DOS compatible diskette media rather than EBCDIC. One method of getting the data from a host computer to a diskette is to "download" using the appropriate communications software. However, do not submit multiple state information. Submit ONLY Utah information.
3 ½" - 720k 3 ½" - 1.44meg |
Note that while we cannot currently process Apple and other non-MS-DOS diskettes, dial-up capabilities are available through the UDWS-BBS. |
DISK FILES | One or more wage record files may be submitted on a diskette. DO NOT use subdirectories. |
FILE NAME | The file name should begin with a "D"
indicating diskette, then the last 7 digits of your UDWS
Registration Number, and an extension of the quarter/year being
EXAMPLE: For account number 9-123456-0 for the first quarter of 1999, the file name would be D1234560.199. |
FILE CONTENT | Each file must include your UDWS Registration Number, quarter/year being reported, Social Security Numbers, first and last names, wages and hire dates (if hired within the reporting quarter) for each employee. The file must follow one of the 5 reporting options exactly in order to be processed. Each employee record within the employer file must be delimited by (end with) a CR/LF (HEX - 0D0A) when submitted on diskette. Files with unrecognized data will not be processed. |
DISKETTE LABEL | External labels are provided with your diskette information. Please supply all information requested. |
SUPPORT DOCUMENTS | The Contribution report and a transmittal form, list or README file listing the employers reported. DO NOT submit paper copies of wages written on the diskette. (Sample form in guide as well as README instructions.) |
Note: Diskettes will NOT be returned after processing. |
Transmitters of multiple employer files should complete and submit a copy of this Transmittal form indicating the reporting employers, the number of employees and the total wages (or submit a copy of the diskette directory with the transmitter's name and phone number on it.)
WAGE DATA DISKETTE TRANSMITTAL Utah Department of Workforce Services | |||
QTR___YEAR___ | ||
List below the UDWS Employer Registration Number, total number of employees and total amount of Utah wages being reported on this media. If more room is needed, please attach a list of all employers. | |||
Utah Department of Workforce Services
140 EAST 3OO SOUTH PO BOX 45233 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH 84145-0233 |
Utah Department of Workforce Services | ||
The Utah Short Format contains the UDWS Employer Registration Number and employee wage record information and quarter designation in one self contained record per employee. The record is 80 bytes long and should be unblocked with no labels.
WAGE REPORTING Utah Short Format | |||
001 | Record Identifier | 1 | Enter a constant "A" |
002-010 | Social Security Number | 9 | If not available, fill with blanks |
011-018 | Utah I.D. Number | 8 | Enter your Utah Employer's Registration Number (not State Tax or Federal ID #) |
019-021 | Zero Fill | 3 | Zero fill unless otherwise instructed by UDWS |
022-024 | Reporting Period | 3 | Enter quarter and year to which this report applies (e.g., 499 for the fourth quarter of 1999) |
025 | First Initial | 1 | Enter first initial of employee |
026 | Second Initial | 1 | Enter second initial of employee. If none, fill with a blank |
027-046 | Last Name | 20 | Left justify and fill with blanks - Upper case only. |
047-053 | Total Wages | 7 | Total wages for this quarter. Enter dollars only, no cents are to be included. Right justify and zero fill |
054-059 | Hire Date | 6 | Enter the last date hired or rehired (YYMMDD) |
060-079 | Blank | 20 | Blanks |
080 | Source Code | 1 | Enter a constant "T" |
This alternative may also be submitted over electronic transmission.
Each employee record within the employer file must be delimited by (end with) a CR/LF (HEX - 0D0A) when submitted on diskette.
We have modified the diskette W-2 format required by the Social Security Administration (SSA) specifying record type W1 and W2 for the Utah Quarterly Wage Information Report. The following pages describe the record types required to process your diskette properly. Utah Department of Workforce Services requires record types E, Employer records, 1 and 2, and type W, Employee Wage records, 1 and 2. Our program will ignore all other record types during processing.
Code 1E and 2E - Employer Records
These records identify the employer whose employee wage information is being reported. Each Code 1E record must be followed directly by a Code 2E record. Group all employee records (Code 1W and 2W) following the 1E/2E records for the UDWS Employer Registration Number reporting group. At least one Code 1W/2W record must be present for each code 1E/2E record reported on the file.
Generate a new set of Code 1E/2E records each time it is necessary to change the Employer Registration Number in these records.
Location | Field | Length | Description and Remarks |
01 | Record Sequence | 1 | A constant "1" |
02 | Record Identifier | 1 | Constant "E" |
03-06 | Reporting Period | 4 | The reporting period reported as quarter and year. Specify quarter as 01, 02, 03 and 04 and the year is specified as two digits, 99 for 1999. |
07-15 | FEIN | 9 | Enter only numerical characters |
16-24 | Blanks | 9 | Blanks |
25-74 | Employer Name | 50 | Left justify and fill with blanks |
75-128 | Blanks | 54 | Blanks |
Location | Field | Length | Description and Remarks |
1 | Record Sequence | 1 | A constant "2" |
2 | Record Identifier | 1 | Constant "E" |
03-47 | Blanks | 45 | Blanks |
48 | Name Code | 1 | Enter "S" if the surname appears first in
the employee's name field of the following Code W records.
Enter "F" if the first name appears first in the employee's name field on the following Code W records. The code may vary with each Code E record. |
49-57 | Blanks | 9 | Blanks |
58-65 | Utah I. D. Number | 8 | Enter your Utah Employer's Registration Number (not State Tax or Federal ID #) |
66-128 | Blanks | 63 | Blanks |
Code 1W and 2W - Employee Wage Records
Use the Code 1W and 2W employee record to report employee wage information in conjunction with Code 1E/2E records. Generate this record for each employee of an employer and group by employer immediately following the 1E/2E records.
The format of the employee name on the Code 1W record must correspond to the name code in position 48 of the preceding Code 2E record. All segments of the name, including initials, must be separated (preferably by blanks). Punctuation may be used when appropriate. Leading titles, e.g., Mr., Mrs., should be omitted from the name field. It is preferred that the full first name be given. The names may be reported in the following ways:
JONES, J. | JONES, H.D. JR | |
*Note: Leading letters must not be separated from the rest of the surname by a blank but may be separated with an apostrophe.
Code 1W - Employee Wage Record
Location | Field | Length | Description and Remarks |
01 | Record Sequence | 1 | Constant "1" |
02 | Record Identifier | 1 | Constant "W" |
03-11 | Social Security Number | 9 | Enter the employee's social security number. If not available enter the letter "I" in position 3 and blanks (not zeros) in positions 4-11. |
12-38 | Employee Name | 27 | Enter employee's name, left justify and fill with blanks. |
39-122 | Blanks | 84 | Blanks |
123-128 | Hire Date | 6 | Enter the last date hired or rehired (MMDDYY) |
Code 2W - Employee Wage Record
Location | Field | Length | Description and Remarks |
1 | Record Sequence | 1 | Constant "2". |
2 | Record Identifier | 1 | Constant "W" |
3-18 | Blanks | 16 | Blanks |
19-27 | Total Wages | 9 | Total wages for this quarter. Right justify, zero fill. Include dollars and cents. |
28-128 | Blank | 101 | Blank |
Wage data records may be submitted using the industry standard Comma-Delimited Record Format. Many software packages such as Xbase-type software, LOTUS 123, Basic and custom programming can be used to produce wage data records in this format.
All records must be alike and follow these rules:
u Each line has one employee's wage data.
u Each individual field must be separated by a comma. If a field is not available, a single comma must be used in place of the field.
u Do not place blanks in front of or behind a comma which is used to separate a field. Do not use a comma as part of the data in any field. Blanks may only occur within the data of a field where permitted.
u The record must be written starting in position 1.
u All data must be in ASCII format.
u Each record must end with a CR/LF (HEX - 0D0A).
u Software which creates standard comma-delimited files will insert quotes (") at the beginning and end of a field. Since we eliminate the quotes, they optionally need not be present. Commas separating the records must be present, however.
u The data must be arranged in the following order using the specifications outlined in the table on the following page.
format can be used when filing through the UDWS-BBS. See Electronic
1 | Social Security No. | 9 | If not available, use all zeros or a single comma. |
2 | Utah I. D. Number | 8 | Enter your UDWS Employer's Registration Number (not state tax or federal ID #). |
3 | Zero Fill | 3 | Enter all zeros or a single comma. |
4 | Reporting Period | 3 | Enter quarter and year to which this report applies (e.g. 199 for the first quarter of 1999). |
5 | First Initial | 1 | Enter first initial of employee. |
6 | Second Initial | 1 | Enter second initial of employee. If none, use a blank or comma. |
7 | Last Name | 1-20 | Enter last name. Trailing blanks may also be included. |
8 | Total Wages | 1-7 | Total wages for this quarter. Enter dollars only, no cents are to be included. Amounts with leading zeros are allowed. |
9 | Hire Date | 6 | Enter the last date hired or rehired.
Enter all zeros or a single comma if not available. |
10 | Company Name | 1-18 | Enter your Company name. Trailing blanks may also be included. |
Each employee record within the employer file must be delimited by (end with) a CR/LF (HEX - 0D0A) when submitted on diskette or transmitting on the BBS.
Listed below are examples of ASCII, Comma-Delimited records.
Example 1: A wage data record with data for all fields.
"123456789","91234561","000","199","M","A","SMITH","2543","931011","ABC COMPANY"
Note: All fields have been produced in the required order:
Social Security Number, UDWS Employer Registration, Zero-fill, Reporting Period, First Initial, Second Initial, Last Name, Wages, Hire Date, Company Name.
Example 2. A wage data record with all data except the SSN and zero-fill.
",","91234561",",","199","M","A","SMITH","2543","931011","ABC COMPANY"
Note: A comma was used in place of the SSN value of 123456789 and for the Zero-fill field value of "000".
As shown in the field layout table, some fields can be represented with leading zeroes and trailing spaces if desired. In example 2 above, wages in the amount of "2543" can also be represented as "0002543". They cannot, however, be represented as "2543000" since this would represent wage of $2,543,000 instead of $2,543!
The last name and company name fields can contain trailing blanks, if desired. The last name "SMITH" can also be represented as "SMITH " and the Company name "ABC COMPANY ".
The following fields must be supplied and cannot be substituted by a comma:
UDWS I.D. Number | 9-123456-1 | would be | "91234561" |
Reporting Period | 1st quarter 1999 | would be | "199" |
Total Wages | $1,567.05 | would be | "1567" |
Files should not begin with a carriage return.
Please supply all of the requested information for all fields. Do not exclude information unnecessarily.
JSWAGE is a data entry system for employers who type wage lists manually. The program is available at no cost.
The Utah Department of Workforce Services has developed JSWAGE for employers who currently type their wage lists or use payroll software packages to prepare their reports. JSWAGE will run on IBM and IBM compatible machines using PC-DOS or MS-DOS version 3.1 or higher. A Windows version is not available, but JSWAGE will run as a DOS program out of a Windows 95/98 environment.
JSWAGE includes these major features:
The "transmittal file" from this program can also be submitted electronically through the UDWS BBS. (See Electronic Filing)
We are very excited about this diskette reporting software and the potential for saving employers time in preparing reports and us time in processing the data. If you are interested in the JSWAGE option, call or write this office for your FREE copy of the JSWAGE package. If you have questions concerning this new program, please call (801) 526-9494, or use our toll free number 1-800-222-2857 ext 6-9494, if calling within the State of Utah.
Any employer or tax preparer with a personal computer equipped with a modem and communications software can file electronically, toll free, through the Utah Department of Workforce Services's Bulletin Board System(UDWS BBS).
Filing wage information electronically is a quick, easy way of processing for you and the Department. The following information is an introduction and tutorial on the basic features of the Department's Bulletin Board. If you encounter problems accessing or using the system after reading this section, technical assistance is available by calling the system operator(SYSOP) at 801-526-9455.
The UDWS BBS is available for wage reporting and business needs relating to the Utah Department of Workforce Services by dialing 1-800-821-5912 or within the Salt Lake calling area, 526-9381.
Four telephone lines are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Routine maintenance is performed daily. If the system is unavailable because of maintenance, you will get a busy signal.
The UDWS BBS can be accessed by computers using asynchronous communications. Typically, modems for desktop computers of all types are capable of asynchronous communication. The modem type can be found in your modem manual.
Note: At the present time, mainframe or synchronous electronic filing of wage information is NOT available.
To connect with the Bulletin
Board you will need a computer, a modem, an active phone line, and some
communications software to run on your computer. The communications
parameters used for this system are:
These are the default settings for most communications packages, and the most common for connecting to Bulletin Boards in general. Your communications software should be set up to use the fastest speed allowed by your modem.
Due to the large number of communications products available, it is impossible for the Department to provide specific information on any given software package or hardware configuration. You may be able to receive assistance from your hardware or software supplier. Several shareware software packages are available on the BBS if a different package is required. These are for your convenience and the Department bears no responsibility for their use or maintenance.
A user password is required. Passwords on the UDWS BBS are user assigned. You should take the necessary precautions to ensure that your password is not compromised. If a password is found to be compromised, you should change it immediately. Passwords can be changed from the main menu.
(Minimum 5 maximum 8
If you encounter problems with your log-on or password, contact the SYSOP.
To file electronically, the UDWS BBS users log on with their name and password. To insure the security and confidentiality of your wage information, it is extremely important to be sure you are in the Utah Contributions Conference when uploading a file. DO NOT UPLOAD FROM THE BBS MAIN MENU.
Your electronically transmitted file must follow one of the same formats that are required for diskette reporting or magnetic tape and cartridge reporting. Information should be written in ASCII.
If you are using JSWAGE, you must follow the "Create a Transmittal Disk" instructions under Utilities to prepare a file for transmission. The file will have the proper naming convention, beginning with the letter J. (See file name)
Every file submitted to the UDWS BBS must have a unique file name. The file name should begin with an "E", indicating electronic filing, then the last 7 digits of your UDWS Registration Number, with an extension of the quarter/year being submitted.
Example: |
If you are transmitting a JSWAGE file, the program will automatically name the file with the letter J and the account number when "creating a transmittal disk (file)". Do not rename the file.
(For Tax Preparers and Employers with multiple account files to be uploaded)
The UDWS requires the use of software data compression for transmission of multiple files. Popular compression programs such as ARC and PKZIP are acceptable. (PKZIP is available for download on the BBS). By use of compressed files by transmitters of multiple files, the UDWS is able to identify the transmitter and respond directly with the transmitter should errors and problems arise in the files transmitted. A README file listing the employers reported should also be included with the data files. Compressed files should have the extension .arc or .zip as part of the file name for easy identification by the Department.
For Tax Preparers and Employers with multiple account files to be uploaded or reported on diskette.
Transmitters of multiple wage files are required to supply a README file prepared in ASCII that follows the format listed below. README files may be prepared using the MS-DOS Editor, WordPerfect ASCII Text(DOS), or any word processor that saves text in an ASCII format. When the compressed file is unzipped and processed, any problems identified with any of the files in the compressed package can be directed to the transmitter for resolution. The README file should be included in the compressed file.
Suggested format:
The Employer's Contribution Report, Form 3, and payment MUST be filed in addition to the transmission of the wage data. Transmitting your wage data to the BBS eliminates only the wage report portion of the quarterly filing. Put an "E" for electronic filing on the Employer's Contribution Report in the upper right corner of the form. See sample below. If the "E" has previously been printed by the Department's computer, you do not need to do so.
If you file a portion of the wage information electronically and a portion on hard copy, the hard copy should be submitted with the quarterly report. DO NOT duplicate on hard copy information submitted electronically. Any hard copy should be machine printed on the Department's Employer's Quarterly Wage List, Form 3H or 3C, or on plain white bond paper in the exact same placement and format as the Form 3H. The hard copy should be noted "In Addition to (media used)" at the top of the form.
The wage information may be electronically filed on the UDWS BBS anytime. It is suggested that you transmit the wage information portion of the report early to avoid busy lines and delays near the reporting due date. The Employer's Contribution Report and any payment due must reach this office by the due dates to avoid a late filing and payment penalties; i.e. January 31, April 30, July 31 and October 31.
There is no requirement to submit test files; however, we highly recommend it for electronic filing. When submitting test files through the UDWS BBS you will need to specify the file is for testing when completing the file description requested at the time of filing by the BBS.
A correction file is a file submitted to correct wage information that was successfully processed by the UDWS, but contains erroneous information. A correction file should contain only the wage information that is being corrected. A README file should be submitted with each correction file indicating the type of corrections being made and the reason for those corrections. (See README File for specifics.) Corrections can only be submitted for information relating to the last 12 quarters. Corrections may be submitted at any time. Correction files should be specifically noted in the file description requested at the time of filing by the BBS and should be compressed within the transmission file along with the wage file.
A replacement is a file submitted to replace a previously submitted file that was not processed by the UDWS. Replacement files can be submitted at any time. Replacement files should be specifically noted in the file description requested at the time of filing by the BBS.
A prior quarter file is a file containing wage information that has never been filed before, for a quarter other than the current reporting period. Prior quarter files may be submitted at any time and should be specifically identified as a "Prior Quarter Files," along with the quarter and year, in the file description requested by the BBS at the time of filing.
Due to the confidential nature of the information to be uploaded, it is important that you follow the log on and security information that follows to assure proper handling of the data and timely feedback to the transmitter. The special conference and passwords direct the information to the proper area.
It is suggested that you be familiar with your modem software and the upload procedures, as there will be interaction between the BBS and your system.
Once connected to the UDWS BBS you will be asked if you want graphics. Press enter and the system will automatically determine the optimal configuration for displaying on your monitor.
You will then be prompted to enter your name.
What is your first name?
What is your last name?
If you are a new user, you will be asked to fill out our registration questionnaire. Please take the time to respond to each of the questions.
Your official registration name with the bulletin board is based on this initial entry. You should have a designated transmitter so that each time you log in to upload a file you will not need to re-register with the BBS. The system will also ask for an address and phone number. Please enter the information carefully. All electronic mail through the system is keyed off of the user name. Invalid or incorrect names and address severely restrict our ability to help you.
After answering all of the questions
presented in the log-on script, the main menu will appear.
You now need to "Join a Conference". From the main menu, press "J".
From the list of conferences, select the Utah Contributions Conference, number "2".
When you initially log on to the "Utah Contributions Conference", the Conference Password is . This password will only be required during the initial log on.
The log-on is complete at this point and the Utah Contributions main menu will appear.
To UPLOAD your wage information file select the "(U) Upload Wage Data" option from the Contributions Conference Menu.
You will be asked to supply the following:
Enter the file name to upload
Reply with the name of your file, example:
(See File Name for required naming
Enter a description of the file to be uploaded.
It is suggested that the dialog to be included in the FILE DESCRIPTION should include:
When finished with the description, press <enter> at a blank line.
(You may need to select a transmission protocol if this has not already been selected earlier in the log-on process).
The system will respond with:
The system will wait for you to start the upload from your end. The system knows that you wish to send a file, but you must tell your computer to send it. The command to send the file will depend on the software package your are running. Refer to your software manuals if you do not know the command. If you wish to abort the upload, you must tell your software to abort on your end. Then you may need to send a control X to abort on our end.
When your upload is complete, the system will respond with either "Transfer Successful,..." or "Upload Aborted ..." or some other message appropriate for the circumstance.
If the transfer is successful, the system will test the file. In most cases, the transfer is small enough that it takes seconds to do and you will receive a statement as to whether the file "Passed" the initial review or not. This part of the review is testing for valid data, viruses, etc. It is not checking to see if the file is properly formatted and whether it will be able to be processed.
If the file passes this initial review, you will be given a date to dial back into the system to check for actual processing success.
You should dial in again after that date. If errors are found, you will have an electronic mail message posted on the BBS. You will be expected to correct the problem(s) indicated and upload a new file. IF YOUR FILE HAS BEEN RECEIVED SUCCESSFULLY, THERE WILL BE NO MESSAGE.
If the transferred file does not pass the initial review, you should try again to upload the file. If you continue to have problems uploading your file, please contact the SYSOP for assistance.
Press <enter> to return to the menu.
When you are ready to hang up, press "G".
It is your responsibility to check back with the UDWS BBS to determine that the transmission of all data was received and processed properly. Only those employers with problem files will have a message.
When you log on with your name and password, the system will display the Welcome screen and will ask you if you want to scan the message base.
To read the message, answer yes to the question "`Read your personal mail now?"
To reply to the message type "RE" at the "End of Message Command?" and leave your message. Press <enter> for the "Subject" and "Full Screen Editor" questions and then type your message.
Be sure to type "S" to save it.
Type "G" at most any prompt to log off the system.
All formats set forth in this manual must be followed exactly. Some of the trouble areas noted in the past are addressed in the check lists below. Please review these items to be sure all areas have been addressed properly.
Use EBCDIC for tapes and cartridges.
If reporting with the Federal Format (IRS/SSA):
If reporting with the Utah Short Format on tape:
Use ASCII for diskettes
If reporting with a Tape/Cartridge Format on Diskette:
If reporting with the Federal Format (IRS/SSA) for Diskette:
If reporting with the Utah Short Format on Diskette:
If reporting with the Comma-Delimited Format:
Use ASCII for Electronically filed files.
ASCII. An abbreviation for the term, American National Standard Code for Information Interchange. A recording code utilizing a 128 character set. The ASCII character set is used by personal computers. All diskettes and electronically filed files should be submitted in ASCII.
ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATION. A method of communication between two computers that employs a start-stop technique. The asynchronous communication is used by most non-mainframe types of computers.
BBS. An acronym for Bulletin Board System. A means of electronically conversing with another computer using a telephone line and modem.
BCD. An abbreviation for the term Binary Coded Decimal. A recording code utilizing a 64 character set.
Block. A collection of contiguous records recorded as a unit. For the purposes of this publication, a block should contain 25 records.
Block-Size. The number of characters contained in a block of information. 25 records at a length of 275 = block-size 6875 or 25 records at a length of 276 = block-size 6900.
Blocking Factor. The number of records reported in a block of information. The Code "E" Record of the IRS/SSA format contains a field by the same name where the file blocking factor is reported. The factor should be 25.
Byte. Synonymous with the word "Character" for the purposes of this publication. A computer unit of measure. For example, the letters A through Z are each one byte long.
Carrier. A signal on a telephone or communication line that carries information to and from a modem.
Case. The state of a letter determined to be in either upper- or lower-case. All formats should be submitted in UPPER-CASE.
Character. A letter, number, punctuation symbol or special symbol.
CR/LF (HEX - 0D0A). A carriage return/line feed used when programming the various formats to identify the ending point of each record in the file. When submitting on diskette, each employee record within the employer file must be delimited by a CR/LF (HEX - 0D0A).
Data Block. See "Block".
Delimiter. A character or space indicating the beginning or end of a piece of computer data.
Download. A procedure to copy files from a host computer such as a BBS to a local computer. The files are written to a disk drive on the local machine.
EBCDIC. An abbreviation for the term Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. A recording code utilizing a 256 character set. All tapes and cartridges should be submitted in EBCDIC.
Employer Registration Number or ID Number. A unique, 8-digit number assigned to each registered Utah employer. This number is specific to the Utah Department of Workforce Services and has no connection to the Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) or other Utah State Tax identification numbers.
External Label. A gummed label attached to the outside of a data medium such as a magnetic tape reel, cartridge or diskette. It contains identification and control type information necessary for the successful processing of the data contained therein.
Field. A distinct unit of data defined for use by a computer program. For example, UDWS Employer Registration Number, Social Security Number, wages, reporting quarter and year, and the hire date are fields defined and used in the formats of the various diskette and tape programs.
File. A collection of wage data records for a specific employer for a specific quarter.
File Name. File names will be given to files submitted electronically and on diskette. Suggested format: D (for diskette) or E (for electronically filed) followed by the last 7 digits of the UDWS Registration Number, with the quarter being submitted as the extension. Example: for account number 8-123456-1 for the first quarter of 1999 - D1234561.199 or E1234561.199. JSWAGE automatically names the file with a J indicator at the time the transmittal diskette file is created.
Form 3. Employer's Contribution Report which is filed quarterly. The employer reports the number of employees and new hires, the total and subject payroll, and the unemployment contributions due. The completed Form 3 must be submitted in addition to the wage data transmittal diskette, magnetic tape, magnetic cartridge or an electronically transmitted wage file.
Form 3H. Employer's Quarterly Wage List which accompanies the Employer's Contribution Report (Form 3). The employer reports each employee's social security number, name, wages and hire date, if hired during the quarter. The transmittal diskette, tape, cartridge or electronically filed wage file is intended to replace this form. Wage information submitted by magnetic or electronic media should not be duplicated in paper form. If wage information is submitted in addition to the magnetic or electronic media information, it must be in the Department format or on a Form 3H or 3C.
Form 3C. The Form 3C is a continuation sheet of the Employer's Quarterly Wage List (a replica of the 3H in duplicate with tractor feed and a carbon insert) which accompanies the Employer's Contribution Report (Form 3). The employer reports each employee's social security number, name, wages and hire date, if hired during the quarter. The transmittal diskette, tape, cartridge or electronically filed wage file is intended to replace this form. Wage information submitted on magnetic or electronic media should not be duplicated in paper form. If wage information is submitted in addition to the magnetic or electronic media information, it must be in the Department format or on a Form 3H or 3C.
Internal Labels. Internal labels on IRS/SSA formats should be standard IBM labels. The short format and the comma-delimited format should be unlabeled.
Modem. An acronym for MOdulator/DEModulator, a device that sends and receives computer information over communication lines.
Password. A word or combination of alpha and numeric digits to be used by the BBS system to confirm the identity of the "User". The password must be a minimum of 5 digits with a maximum of 8.
Protocol. A set of rules and procedures that regulate communications between two devices.
README Files. A name given to files that generally accompany other software and explain or update information for the user. Transmitters of multiple files are required to prepare and include a README file with each group of files uploaded on the BBS.
Records. A collection of related items of data treated as a unit. For example, employee information such as name, social security number, wages, UDWS Employer Registration Number and reporting quarter constitutes a record. For the purposes of this publication, a record as used in the IRS/SSA format may contain either 275 or 276 bytes. A record used in the Short format will be 80 bytes.
SSA. The Social Security Administration assigns Social Security Numbers.
SSN. The abbreviation for the term Social Security Number. See Social Security Number.
Social Security Number. A nine digit number assigned to employees by the Social Security Administration. All wage records are filed under this number rather than by name. Therefore a correct Social Security Number is essential. (All wage-earners whether citizens or legal aliens should have a Social Security Number.) See "Valid Social Security Number".
Software Data Compression. The process of squeezing together data within a file or files to make the file smaller and still maintain the data within the file. Popular compression programs such as ARC and PKZIP complete this process with a single command. Transmitters of multiple files are required to compress the data prior to uploading.
Synchronous Communications. (Sometimes called bisychronous.) A method of communication between two computers that sends and receives data at a fixed rate. Synchronous communication is most often used by mainframe computers. At the present time, synchronous communications for filing of wage information is NOT available.
SysOp. System Operator: The person in charge of an electronic bulletin board. Pronounced "sis-op".
Tape Cartridge. A magnetic medium that is a small reel of ½ inch wide tape that is enclosed in a compact cartridge. Utah accepts 3480/3490 cartridges only.
Test File. A magnetic tape file, cartridge file, diskette file or electronically transmitted file generally containing a small cross section of records created for the purposes of running on a computer mainframe or personal computer to ensure file content reliability prior to submitting real data.
Transmitter/Submitter. An entity that physically sends the tape, cartridge, or diskette file or who transmits over a modem the wage information file that contains the State's data. This may be a company that prepares and submits its own file or it may be a company authorized by another to prepare and submit the file.
UDWS. An abbreviation for Utah Department of Workforce Services.
Upload. A procedure to send files from a local computer to a receiving computer. The files are read from a disk drive on the local machine and written to a disk drive on the remote machine. (sometimes referred to as "transmitted")
Valid Social Security
Number. The Social Security Number is issued by the Social
Security Administration (SSA). Numbers with three zeros 000 or a number
greater than 763 in the first three positions are not valid and have not
been issued by the Social Security Administration.
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