About iRev.net
Inner Revolution BBS first originated as a dial up Bulletin Board System back in
Escondio, California, just north of San Diego. The BBS was home to over 600
users of which 50 to 80 visitors called up every day. Before the Internet
computer users shared email and played online games through numerous
Bulletin Board Systems, and while there were many boards to choose from,
IR remained popular because of its simplicity, its quality, and that there
were no service charges.
Inner Revolution greeted visitors
with this message:
We have always fought for change; out with the old ideas, in with the new.
Always trying to better the world around us.
Now it is time to change ourselves. Look inside your soul and find who
you really want to be.
And then make the change for a better person. Make the Inner Revolution
come true in both your mind and soul.
iRev gracefully evolved from a single modem to multiple lines,
from a stand-alone message system to one networked with hundreds of
other bulletin boards, and finally moved onto the Internet.
Many of the users stayed with IR through the growth and changes, and even now,
years later, the community still exists.
iRev now hosts 20 friends and family who use iRev's
services for web sites, email, and Internet Relay Chat. iRev at its most popular hosted
over 200 websites ranging from online journals, political and religious
commentary, comic strips, galleries of art, personal home pages, and
professional web sites. It was common in iRev's busiest times to have 2 gigabytes of web traffic
served to over 6000 unique visitors each day.
For those who are into this sorta thing, here are iRev's specifications:
- Dual AMD Athlon MP 1600+ Processors
- MSI K7D Master Motherboard
- 2 Gigabytes DDR266 RAM
- Dual 7,200RPM 120Gig 8Meg cache drives in 3Ware RAID-1 Mirror for HOME partition
- Dual 7,200RPM 40Gig drives for root, usr, and var partitions
- 80 Gig drive on seperate IDE controller for weekly backups
- FreeBSD Operating System
- Apache, PHP, MySQL, perl, BitchX, screen, three vhosts, dns services
iRev has a strong community feeling which started many years ago and remains
strong today. I've met an amazing and diverse bunch of people while running
iRev, and I hope to meet many more as the community continues to grow. Thanks
for your interest in this little server, and please feel free to contact me
if you have any questions or comments.
- Presence
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